Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, February 11, 2018, Year B

Lection Connection for Transfiguration Sunday can be found here.

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (2 Kings 5:1-14)

A captive Israeli girl informs her master Naaman, commander of Aram’s army, that there is a prophet back home who can cure his leprosy. He finds Elisha who tells him to wash in the Jordan to be healed. At first he refuses, but his servants convince him to try and it works.

Psalm (30)

Because of Yahweh’s healing him in the past, the Psalmist invites others to join him in praise and thanksgiving. When he had been confident in his prosperity, adversity had brought him low. But Yahweh heard his cry and turned his mourning into joy.

Second Reading (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

St. Paul likens the Christian life to a footrace whose eternal prize is worth our total effort to prepare for and to run. He himself has done everything he could to subdue his own body in order to practice what he preaches and provide a positive example.

Gospel (Mark 1:40-45)

Jesus, against the rules of religion, reaches out and touches a leper who is confident Jesus can heal him. Upon being restored the man disobeys Jesus command to silence. This increases Jesus’ fame and his popularity makes it necessary for him to avoid towns.


  • Do whatever it takes to be a faithful Christian
  • Gossipping the Gospel is always a good thing
  • A word, even from the lowly, can accomplish great things in the kingdom
  • Jesus continues but intensifies the prophetic ministry of healing





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